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Goose Recipes:

Submitted by: TrophyHunter

This is a fine recipe, and one that should make a lot of friends with the German population of the area. The German title for the recipe is 'Mast gans mit apfeln'.

1 goose
4 cups water
6 peppercorns
1/4 pound butter
1/2 onion sliced
2 tablespoons flour
Stewed apples

Remove wings, neck and feet. Cover with cold water and soak for 15 minutes. Drain and pat dry. Rub with salt inside and out. Put the bird in a roaster, add water, onion and peppercorns. Roast in moderate oven (325). After the water has boiled down, baste the bird with the butter that has been browned. Allow about 25 minutes per pound. If the goose appears to be an old one, allow an extra 20 minutes to insure complete cooking.

Place the goose on a warmed platter and put roaster on burner on top of stove, stir in flour, add 2 cups of water and boil for three minutes until smooth and slightly thickened.

Serve the goose and gravy together with the stewed apples.

Submitted by: TrophyHunter

1 wild goose
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 onion
2 tablespoons butter

Clean goose well, season with salt, pepper and vinegar. Place an onion in cavity. Let stand over night. Remove onion, dredge goose with flour and place in roasting pan in a moderate oven (350). Roast until browned, 15 to 20 minutes per pound, basting often with butter and juices in pan. Goose may be filled with stuffing if desired.

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